Tag: How To

Unveiling the Fastest Ways to Make Money Online in a Short Time

In today’s digital age, the allure of making money online has captured the imagination of many individuals seeking financial freedom. While there are legitimate opportunities to earn a substantial income online, it is essential to approach these endeavors with realistic expectations and a diligent mindset. This article aims to explore various methods that can potentially help individuals generate significant income quickly. However, it is crucial to note that success is not guaranteed, and it often requires hard work, dedication, and a willingness to adapt.

  1. Freelancing and Online Gig Economy:

One of the most accessible and versatile ways to make money … Continue Reading “Unveiling the Fastest Ways to Make Money Online in a Short Time”

Installing WordPress on MAMP Video Tutorials

There are hundeds of thousands of individuals and companies that use WordPress as their Content Management System (CMS). There are just as many websites that are powered by WordPress, including this one.

Chances are that you are also interested in using WordPress to power your website or blog or vlog or whatever other type of site that you want to run.

Installing WordPress is fairly easy and takes just a few minutes. If you want to practice installing it on your local computer, you can use MAMP (My Apache, PHP, MySQL) which is a local server environment that imitates the … Continue Reading “Installing WordPress on MAMP Video Tutorials”

Software and eBooks – Download From Your Email

There are times when you visit a website and see an eBook or software that you want and try to get it. What happens sometimes is that either you are unable to download it or it costs too much. If you are looking for cheap eBooks and software that you can easily download from your email Inbox, then you need to check out SoftwareBooks.net. There you will find eBooks and software that are educational as well as suited for the more serious minded individuals. There are How-To videos, audio webcasts, and software that you can use to create things like … Continue Reading “Software and eBooks – Download From Your Email”

“How To” Questions Answered

Have you ever been in a bind and thought how you were ever going to get out of it? Many of us have faced that challenge at some point in time. In most cases we tend to hire someone to fix the problem for us. But then after the job has been completed and we pay the person who did it for us, we take a look at what he did and say to ourselves: “But I could have done that myself. I never knew fixing the problem was that easy.” It has happened to me in the past, so … Continue Reading ““How To” Questions Answered”

How To Clean A CD or DVD

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There is a right way and wrong way to clean a CD or DVD. Let me first of all ask: How do you clean your CD or DVD? I am quite shocked at some of the answers that I am hearing. It is very important to clean your discs the correct way or else you will drastically reduce their lifespan. Cleaning them the wrong way can also render them useless after you clean them. So, to save you the heartache of losing any more CD’s or DVD’s, let me tell you the correct … Continue Reading “How To Clean A CD or DVD”

Demo Video Television

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Do you know how to do something that maybe no one else knows, or that can show them how to do something they already know even better? Do you have a video or videos on how to do different things, like install a piece of software or hardware, bake a cake, clean a stopped up drain, and so on? If you do, then you can share them with the world by posting them on Demo Video TV. It is free to join the site, then you can start uploading your “how to” videos. … Continue Reading “Demo Video Television”

How To Get WordPress 2.8 Post Tags To Save

I have been having no ends of problems with the new WordPress 2.8 as it relates to saving Post Tags. I can type them in, but they won’t save when I click the Save Draft or Publish buttons. Below is a graphic of the area I am talking about.


What I came to realize is that there were some plugins that were causing the problem. So, I simply deactivated all of them and then re-activated them one at a time. Before re-activating any of them though, I tried saving Post Tags and, lo and behold, it worked! So I re-activated … Continue Reading “How To Get WordPress 2.8 Post Tags To Save”

How To Get Rid of Browser Connection Errors

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It is an all too familiar situation. You open your browser and immediately get a connection error. There are many reasons why this happens. Here are two common errors, along with suggested ways to fix the problem:

(1) No internet connection – If you get an error stating that no internet connection is available, ensure that your DSL Modem is turned on, has the phone line connected to it, and that the CAT5 cable is connected from the back of the computer to the Modem. Also ensure that you have a dial tone … Continue Reading “How To Get Rid of Browser Connection Errors”

How To Adjust The Size of an Image

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This is one of the easiest things to do. First off though, many persons do not know how to do it, so this is actually for them. Let’s say that you have an image or graphic that you need on your website but it is too large and you need to scale it down, or it may be too small so you need to increase its size. You would need to adjust the height and width of the image to a size that will fit better on your page. The general code for … Continue Reading “How To Adjust The Size of an Image”

$35,522 in 1 day thanks to the iPhone

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That title sounds unbelievable right? I mean how can a cell phone make you that much money at all, never mind in one day? The truth is that the iPhone has opened the doors to a new breed of “Mobile Millionaires” who are getting rich riding the coattails of one of the hottest products this century. You can get on board the iPhone Gold Rush too.

The guy I was talking about earlier is called Ethan Nicholas. He was struggling to pay his bills when he decided to see if he could make … Continue Reading “$35,522 in 1 day thanks to the iPhone”

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